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"Still With Fog" by Joe DiMino.

Still with fog
As one often rises
Yet misty from dream,
I slip out of sleep—
Fall toward dawn
A trusting child
Into catch of day;

It is the parent
I recall of first light—
Strong arms of brightness
That once simple held me
Purely love
Rocked me in safe-harbor
Now lifts me
High above the crests
Into new sky

It is deep into eyes
Of summit I now gaze,
With greater off
Than I have ever known;
Yield even more
Under gliding softness,
Budding lips
Tracing virgin blossoms
The intimate
Leading to

Sense the mother
And father of all being;

Taste infinite mint
Of their breaths
So fresh,
Their air all over me
Around me—
Of evergreen kisses—

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