Light Cards and Enterprises

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"I Saw A Rose Today" (by Joe DiMino)

I saw a rose today--
Appeared to brighten
When I took notice--
Blushing with my
Deepening interest--
Her scent
Bolder in the air,
Inclined toward me
In strengthening measures;

A more lovely
Crimson Beauty
I had never seen--
Softness remembered
Somewhere In the back of my mind--
Dim but pleasant fluffiness recalled--
More pillow-like than the billows of clouds above me;
With their magnificently
Glazed edges of yellow sunlight
Bleeding radiantly into
Blue host of sky;

I felt my lips parting,
My tongue
Unconsciously running over their surface
Tasting of sweetness
I had all but forgotten;
What is this nectar that we share,
Seeming older
Than romance itself,
More tender
Than any caress,
And so natural
That two, different as we,
Can sense and share
Without shame
Such eternal coupling?

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