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No part of this poetry should be reproduced in any form without written consent from the author, Joe DiMino, who retains all rights: contact

"I Often Look At Sky" (by Joe DiMino)

I often look at sky;
Less interested in clouds,
Or stars
And the deep dark
Indelible we share—

My inquiry more one
Of space that defines;
The seeming lack of borders
To all and mine—

If one admits ignorance as open-ended…

The dim expanse we travel,
A tattoo of infinite sketchiness
Leading always
Back, by vague increments,
To edges of the mind….

Where does one begin
When somewhere
Outside the middle?

The past is lost—

Off—still looking for someplace lived,

Forfeiting all moments;
Complaining about Timing,
And how
Where we pause
Never stands still long enough
To be held accountable
As we are….

Faith? I have enough
For all darkness—

It is light
I want to gather…

And no matter how I seek
My illuminate-findings
Though bright
Seem often a beggar’s
Portion in a cup
With prayer…

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