Light Cards and Enterprises

to Poets' Corner


No part of this poetry should be reproduced in any form without written consent from the author, Joe DiMino, who retains all rights: contact


"Clearing My Mind" (by Joe DiMino)

I will meet you somewhere middle—
Somewhere—between right/wrong;
My right your wrong—
Your right my wrong;
Must be in the light/dark—
In the dark/light grays…somewhere
At beginning/end; somewhere
Where the road straights/bends;
Where sea and sky in retreat
Journey and become
Same wavering/fine line—
Where mist of faith
Is compressed to one unnamed sliver
Somewhere clear/haze of Time;
Where God and the Devil
Quietly talk—somewhere between Heaven/hell;
Somewhere dead/green that we like/dislike—
Somewhere not entirely free
Nor price to pay;
Somewhere yesterday/today
Between long/short stretch
Of today/tomorrow—joy/sorrow

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