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"All is Not Day and All is Not Night" by Joe DiMino

Ah! The spring!
That thing of being new
And flowery;
Freely the scent
So fresh, really mindless
Of perfumes,
And liberating colors
Without pink-slaps of trying;
No, youth needs know nothing
Of the dying that went
Before them—
They sleep through
Such winter
Theirs only blossoming
Immediate to go—
Let them
Enjoy the thaw
And for now
The earth keep
Its secret,
An inevitable withering 
Of all beauty
Before the cold blessing
Our late, whitening season
Calls snow—

Let the children sleep
To awaken slowly, naturally
Sprouting without deeper reason
For wellness they should be
Adjusting to their surface own
Not too quickly grown
Forced and frantic
Pushed into brightest light—
Realize all is not day
And all is not night

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